But You and I both know… it’s probably unwise to rely entirely on AI.

I mean:

  •  AI should replace knocking out that first draft of copy. 
  •  It should replace the brain drain of staring at the screen with your fingertips just hovering over the keyboard. 
  •  It should replace those moments when the words should be coming but they’re just not coming…


  • YOU still need to think. 
  • YOU still need to figure out  what the copy is going to be about. 
  • YOU still need the strategy, the plan, the message. 
  • YOU still need informed inputs. 

In Short:

NEW ChatGPT Like App Helps You Create Hyper Successful Marketing Materials With 1000+ Exclusively Engineered Prompts Built-In


From The Team That Brought You Content Gorilla

You Will Never Use ChatGPT Again

From The Desk Of:

To: Online Marketers Struggling To Bring In Sales For Their Products/Services.

We Live In The Attention Economy

If you can’t get the people scrolling to stop scrolling and pay attention to your content… you’ll be left in the dark.

You already know that though.

And you’re trying, hard.

You’ve likely spent hours painstakingly crafting Twitter threads, LinkedIn posts, FB posts, or TikTok or YouTube videos you hoped would go viral…

But instead got 4 likes (and that too from your family and friends!)

You’ve probably spent a small fortune on ads… 

That buyers ignored. 

And I bet you’ve tried copying competitors, using “proven templates”, engagement hacking, and jumping on trends, and yet…

Look I Get it — Building an audience is f***ng hard

  • Working for hours on a piece of content only to get 4 likes can be heart-breaking.
  • ️ Solo marketers and founders are up against entire teams. With no one to collaborate or bounce ideas off, it can feel like you’re trapped on your own little island.
  • Maybe you’ve even had some success. You’ve taken a course and learned a few “proven techniques.” At first, things are working. But seemingly overnight, the results vanish into thin air – and you have no idea what to do next.

$12,000,000 Marketing Online

Helping over 100,000 people with different aspects of their marketing using our tools and trainings.

And if there’s one thing we have learned in all this time - it’s the fact that good content brings you a great audience.

I don’t care what type of content it is - it could be something as simple as a Facebook post or something as complex as a YouTube video.

You HAVE to produce good content consistently in order to build a loyal audience.

And that was never an easy job…

Luckily, We Live In The World Where 

A.I. Is Here To Serve You

…where you can use ChatGPT to write effective Copy, Marketing Campaigns, and Strategies.

How to feed AI with the right INPUTS to get the right OUTPUTS

Look, even though everyone claims that ChatGPT is really easy to use, and we do agree with that to some extent…

If you have been online marketing for any length of time, you know very well that the kind of copy that ChatGPT writes with a basic request like, “Write me a Facebook post for X product”, is simply not something a professional marketer would use.

It lacks the emotional intelligence of a human.

Now don’t get me wrong - you can get really good responses out of ChatGPT but you really need to know what kind of input would bring you the kind of output that you can actually use.

That’s where prompt engineering comes in…

Over the last 3 years, we’ve been working with A.I on our flagship app Content Gorilla and we’ve been doing the hard work for our 15,000+ users by engineering exclusive prompts.

And trust us when we tell you this, writing prompts that bring good results, is a skill set you need to learn.

With ChatGorilla, we have hand-crafted over 1,000+ prompts that cover all the aspects of online marketing. And then we’ve battle tested these prompts to generate effective output so you don’t have to do any of the hard work!


Built By Marketers, For Marketers

That’s Where ChatGorilla (Your Cheat Code To ChatGPT) Comes in…

Without The $20/Month Subscription, Of Course!

ChatGorilla is a ChatGPT-like app that comes with 1000+ tested and proven prompts that produce thumb-stoppingly good marketing content.

Content that stands out…

Content that drives awareness, trust, and—most importantly—sales.

Content that makes YOU unignorable.

Most importantly - Content that gets you SALES! 

Not just content… We cover all aspects of online marketing.

With ChatGorilla You Can:

Write Sales Pages/Upsell Pages/Webinar Descriptions

Optimize Your Website For Search Engines

Write Highly Optimized Email Campaigns

Do Competitor Research, Craft Business Ideas

Write Full On Search Engine Optimized Blog Posts

Write SMS Marketing Campaigns

Write Video Sales Letters & Podcast Scripts

Write Affiliate Product Reviews & Comparisons

Generate Ideas For Your Social Media Content

Write SEO Optimized Product Descriptions For Your Shopify Store

Write YouTube & Tiktok Video Scripts

Create a Full Online Funnel

Create Customer Surveys

Create a Content Calendar

Create FAQ For Your Product/Service

Hire/Onboard New Team Members

Create an Elevator Pitch

Generate Ideas For Training Webinars/Workshops

And that’s still barely scratching the surface - there’s so much more you can do!

All It Takes Is Just 3 Simple Steps

Choose What You Want

Simply choose whatever you would like to create.

Feed In Some Details

Now just give a few details about your product/service so that it can tailor the prompt accordingly

Hit Submit & VOILA!

Sit back and see ChatGorilla produce unignorable marketing content for your business/service.

Ooh and if in case you don’t want to use one of our 1000+ pre-engineered prompts, you can go freestyle and use ChatGorilla the way you would use ChatGPT and do literally whatever you want!

Here’s a fun fact: I was going to write this sales page using ChatGPT.

Every time I tried to sign in to chat.openai.com during this work block, I got this...

Which is funny and frustrating at the same time.

But I made sure of this never happens with ChatGorilla.

In fact, you can enjoy the new version of ChatGPT inside ChatGorilla without paying the hefty $20/month. 

Same features, Better response but lower cost.

Ain’t this the better deal?

Here's a shocking truth…

  That’s how much time an average marketer or 

business owner can save per week by utilizing ChatGorilla.

Here’s Why You Should Pick ChatGorilla

ChatGPT-Powered App

With ChatGorilla, you'll get the latest version of ChatGPT and get automatic updates for FREE.

1000+ Tested Prompts

Say goodbye to writer's block and save valuable time with our extensive library of over 1000 tested prompts to kickstart your conversations.

Results Better than ChatGPT

Prepare to be amazed as ChatGorilla delivers results that surpass ChatGPT, providing you with more accurate and effective responses.

Top-Notch Support

Rest easy knowing that our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless experience and maximum satisfaction.

Perfect For Every Business

Whether you are an established enterprise or a small startup (eCom, SaaS, Coach, Course Creator, Marketer) ChatGorilla have prompts tailored to your business needs.

Now unlocking the mystery, what do you get with ChatGorilla? Here’s everything…

  • Access To The ChatGorilla App
  • 1000+ Exclusively Engineered Built-In Prompts
  • 100,000 Word Limit
  • 24/7 Support
  • 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Simplify Your Life & Join The Next Generation 

of AI-Powered Marketers

But wait… That’s Not It!

You’re Covered With Our BulletProof 

100% Money Back Guarantee

14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Look, it has taken us quite a good amount of time to develop ChatGorilla and we are so confident that you’re gonna love it that we’re willing to take all the risk by ourselves.

Get access to ChatGorilla today and test drive it for the next 14 days, and if at any point in time during the next 2 weeks you realize that it’s not for you, just send us an email at support@gochatgorilla.com and we will be more than happy to refund you all of your money. No questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is this an addon that I can use with ChatGPT?

A. No - ChatGorilla is a complete web-based app, you do not need ChatGPT at all to use it. 

Q. Do I need to have an OpenAI or ChatGPT Plus subscription to use it?

A. No, there’s nothing further you need to pay for at all after getting ChatGorilla.

Q. Do I need to add my OpenAI API key to use ChatGorilla?

A. No, you do not need to add any sort of API to use ChatGorilla, we handle everything. You simple log in and start generating immaculate marketing material.

Q. Are there any limits to how often I can use ChatGorilla?

A. You can use ChatGorilla to generate upto 100,000 words of marketing materials, there is no time constraint.

Q. What if I want more words?

A. After you pickup your copy of ChatGorilla, on the next page you will be offered the opportunity to upgrade to unlimited words for $10/m or $99/yr.

With ChatGorilla in your back pocket, you know exactly what to do.

You will have finger-stopping copy and marketing strategies for your products/services.

And You or your clients will roll in like dough!

No more mediocre campagin. No more guesswork.

Get the exact, proven prompts you need to write effective marketing campaigns/copy. That heat up even the coolest of the cold leads until they’re fired up about your offer. 

No matter what industry you are in.

© Copyright ChatGorilla. All Rights Reserved.

We were there too when we started out - we didn’t have an audience, people didn’t know us and we didn’t even have half the tools and technology that is available to you today.

Yet, starting from complete scratch, over the last decade or so, we’ve made well over…